We undertake to ensure that the processing of personal data carried out on our site complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés).
For any information or to exercise your rights concerning the processing of personal data managed by the CNIL, please contact us:
By e-mail using the contact form
By mail (with a copy of your identity card, if you wish to exercise your rights) to the following address:
Christophe Denoël
Caves de Pouilly-sur-Loire
39 Av. de la Tuilerie
58150 Pouilly-sur-Loire
The company limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (data minimisation) and provides information on:
We use various cookies on the site to improve its interactivity and our services.
What is a “cookie”?
A “cookie” is a string of information, generally small in size and identified by a name, which may be sent to your browser by a website to which you connect. Your web browser will store it for a certain period of time, and will send it back to the web server each time you reconnect. Cookies have many uses: they can be used to memorize your customer ID on a merchant site, the current contents of your shopping basket, an identifier enabling your browsing to be traced for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.
Caves des Moulins à Vent, coopérative de